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Annual Reports Course

NOW STOP. Before we go any further, you need to do this one very important thing. PRINT THIS E-COURSE OUT.
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NOW STOP. Before we go any further, you need to do this one very important thing. PRINT THIS E-COURSE OUT.

If you don’t, it could very well sit on your computer and never get used. And that would be sad.  

Writing your annual report can be a time consuming process.

There’s trying to wring a story or two out of program staff. Then finding the financials from your executive director or office manager. Then actually designing it!

My goal with this course is to help you streamline this process, create replicable processes that you can use again and again in your annual report creation, and take some of the mystery out of annual report design.

What are we going to be talking about this week?

This week we’re going to talk about each piece of your report, step by step. You’ll learn what to put in your annual report, including;

  • How to gather stories from program staff
  • Ways to write a letter from the director that doesn’t suck
  • Talking about programs without putting your donors to sleep
  • Donor listings that are meaningful to donors
  • Staff listings that are fun to look at
  • Stellar calls to action for your annual report

It can drain you of energy to procrastinate on writing it.

Here’s a secret only the pros know.  

Waiting for inspiration is for amateurs. Don’t wait for inspiration, write now!

Let’s get going! 

Course details
Lectures 14
