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Career Course

Mazarine is an American, multi-hyphenate polycreative – artist, trainer, writer, speaker, human design reader, consultant and facilitator of spaces for ... Show more
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Mazarine is an American, multi-hyphenate polycreative – artist, trainer, writer, speaker, human design reader, consultant and facilitator of spaces for radical learning. She is the creator of many projects and art pieces.

In human design, she’s what’s known as a manifesting generator (shoutout to my 3/5 MG’s!). Manifesting generators are those individuals who have multiple interests, careers, talents, skills, and embrace the fluidity of it all. She’s meant to be “both/and” not “either/or” in all aspects and areas of her life.

Some different facets: Trainer, Resource mobilizer, Conference director, Human design reader, Speaker, Writer, Poet, Dancer, Singer, Meditator, Artist, Community builder and so much more that she hasn’t even explored yet.

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Lectures 5
