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Keeping Your Donors Course

NOW STOP. Before we go any further, you need to do this one very important thing. PRINT THIS E-COURSE OUT.
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NOW STOP. Before we go any further, you need to do this one very important thing. PRINT THIS E-COURSE OUT.

If you don’t, it could very well sit on your computer and never get used.

And that would be sad.

Because losing your donors is an inevitable fact, but losing nearly all of them is preventable.

Just this one step could save you so much time and energy of trying to get donor retention back again.

I mean, look at us, Commercial business customer retention is 94% Nonprofit retention is 41%.

Not only that but it’s dipped from 50% to 41% in the last 5 years!

And you might think, oh, we’ll just get new donors every year, we’ll be fine.

Yeah, well new donor retention is just 27% versus 70% for repeat donors1 !

Does this convince you yet that keeping donors pays off?

Furthermore, only 16% of donors gave more from one year to the next.

We have got to do better! 

And I’m glad you’re on this journey with me to keep your donors.

I hope by now you see what the odds are, but consider this. Most people aren’t thinking about donor retention. You are going to be so ahead of the game if you even implement half of what you’ll learn in the next four weeks.

In this first week, we’ll be going over what your attrition rates look like right now, and identifying your most loyal donors.

So without further ado, let’s begin!  

Course details
Lectures 12
